MasterPlusGlobal yield calculator

Our calculator will quickly calculate the amount you can get, taking into account your conditions and parameters

Number of clients that are in the structure under you
0 2 16 128 512 4096
Your personal sales volume (USD)
$0 $2000 $5000 $10000 $20000
Sales volume of your organization (PV)
0 5000 10000 25000 50000 100000
Number of partners reaching $5 thousand in sales per month
0 1 2 3 5 10 20
Your income is:

MasterPlus for business

If you have already familiarized yourself with the principles of operation and benefits of the MasterPlus device, felt its positive impact and now want to share this experience with others, we are pleased to offer you a unique opportunity

Our affiliate program opens the way for those who not only want to improve their life and health with MasterPlus, but are also ready to turn their personal success into their own business and source of income

We invite you to become part of our team as a distributor. This is your chance to use your experience and understanding of the benefits of the device to help others by offering them the solution that changed your life. As a distributor, you have the opportunity not only to recommend MasterPlus, but also to actively promote it, helping people achieve better health and well-being  Contact the manager

Benefits of the affiliate program

Convenient mobile application

Our app provides you with a tool for full control over your bonuses and ranks

You always have access to up-to-date information about your income, structure development, and the ability to track your progress and current situation in real time

Opportunity to receive passive income

Our system allows partners to generate revenue even without making a single sale of a device

This is achieved by rewarding customers who joined the company after you and their activity in the network

Unlimited earning opportunities

Thanks to our developed rank system, each partner has the opportunity to independently influence the level of their income

The more actively you develop your network and increase your rank, the more income you can earn. Your efforts and dedication directly affect your income, opening up unlimited opportunities for growth and earnings

Rewards for achievements

For achieving certain results, you can receive additional bonuses and rewards that serve as an incentive for further development and success

No boring monotonous work

Participation in the affiliate program involves creativity and communication with like-minded people

Ability to combine with the main job

You can promote the product in a form of work that suits you, combine it with your main job, or work on the MasterPlus project full time  

No need to invent an advertising concept

We provide all the necessary information to our partners and advise them if necessary

No need to create your own product

We have already created and patented an innovative product and received all the necessary certification

Community and support

By joining us, you become part of a friendly community of like-minded people where you can always find support and share experiences

No need to invest your own money
Opportunity to join a promising company at the beginning of its development
Anyone can participate in the program

How to make money with us

There are 10 ranks in our affiliate program, each of which opens up new opportunities for earnings and development:

Rank Guest

People who install the app are automatically included in the structure and have 30 days to buy or sell a MasterPlus device. A referral bonus is available at this rank

Referral bonus

A referral bonus is a reward for a recommendation. If you send someone a link to the app and they make a MasterPlus purchase in the app, you get 10% to 15% depending on your Level

Rank Pearl

Users who have purchased MasterPlus are automatically upgraded to this rank. They immediately get access to the unique opportunity to earn bonuses on revenue up to 12 generations down the line This means that our customer bonus is not only earned from direct sales, but also from all purchases made by users who purchased the device after you, regardless of whether these sales were made directly by you or by the person from whom you purchased the device

Customer bonus

This is a reward system that offers earnings from sales made up to 12 generations down from you. 15% of all online sales are allocated to customer bonuses

How does it work?
  1. All clients are placed in the structure so that there are two other clients under each client. One of these customers can be added automatically (overflow), and the other must be personally invited by you using a referral link
  2. If you do not have any personally invited clients, the potential in the structure after you is 4095 people. If the full potential is filled with customers, it will bring you up to 880% of the MasterPlus cost.

However, if you personally invite at least one person through a referral link who purchases MasterPlus, the potential of your “Client Bonus” is doubled. This means that if all the seats in your structure are fully filled, your client bonus can grow up to 1760%.

The percentage of bonuses is as follows:

  • For 1 generation under you, you get 2%.
  • 2nd and 3rd generations – 3% each.
  • 4 generations – 5%.
  • 5th generation – 0.5%.
  • 6th to 12th generation – 0.2%

When we talk about the customer bonus, we mean the reward that is received not by sellers, but by customers, those who have purchased a MasterPlus device for personal use. It is important to understand that such payments are guaranteed only if the place of the structure is filled by other clients after you, which, in turn, indicates the growth of the entire company

Thus, the client bonus turns each MasterPlus client into a kind of “shareholder” of the company, even if his or her share is small. With the development and growth of the company, each client has the opportunity to receive their “dividends”, which makes participation in the affiliate program not only profitable, but also a promising investment in the future

Rank Hero

The status is granted to those who not only purchased the device but also made a sale through a referral link. At this level, there are referral and customer bonuses, and they are doubled. You also get access to a binary bonus

Binary bonus

A binary bonus is a type of reward based on a structure divided into two branches: left and right. The participant receives a percentage of the total turnover of the smaller branch in the amount of 5%-7% of the total turnover

Consider a situation where you have 5 customers who are placed in a binary structure with certain sales volumes

Let’s calculate the binary bonus for each customer, taking into account that the bonus is calculated from the sales volume of the smaller branch of the structure. Client A:Sales volume in the left branch: 150 PV (personal points from sales) Binary bonus for customer A = 7% of 150 PV = 10.5 PV. Customer C: Sales volume in the left branch: 100 PV. Binary bonus for the client C = 7% of 100 PV = 7 PV. Thus, based on the rules for calculating a binary bonus from a smaller branch, Client A will receive a bonus of 10.5 PV, and Client C will receive 7 PV. This encourages each affiliate program participant to actively develop both of their branches to maximize their bonuses  

Rank Talent

This rank is opened to active members who already receive a binary bonus. “Talents” have the opportunity to join the team to increase sales and further advancement in the ranks with all the appropriate bonuses

Rank Star

At this stage, you get access to the matching bonus, which allows you to earn extra money

Matching bonus

In our company, it can be compared to receiving a bonus for recommending a new employee. This reward system works on three generations, meaning that you receive bonuses not only for direct sales, but also from the success of those you invite and their referrals. This creates a multiplier effect in your earnings and increases the potential rewards for active participation in the company’s development

Matching Bonus is awarded from three generations

What does this mean?

The first generation:

If you sell a MasterPlus device to customer A, who then also starts selling devices, you will receive 10% of his binary bonus. This is your direct referral that forms the first generation

The second generation:

When your customer A sells a MasterPlus device to customer B and the latter becomes a seller, this forms the second generation for you. You receive 10% of the binary bonus of customer B, just like seller A who made a direct sale

The third generation:

If customer B, your second generation, in turn, sold a MasterPlus device to customer C, who also became a salesperson, this becomes the third generation for you. You receive 10% of the binary bonus of the C seller, which is your reward for developing the network at three levels of depth

This structure of the Matching Bonus stimulates not only active sales, but also the development of the network several levels down, allowing you to earn on the success of not only your direct referrals, but also on the results of their referrals

Rank Leader

At this level, you start earning not only for direct invitations through a referral link, but also receive 10% of the binary bonus of the people you invited

Rank Champion

This is where the second-generation Matching Bonus opens. This means that you also receive 10% of the second level binary bonus of referrals who were invited by your direct referrals

Rank Director

At this stage, the third generation Matching Bonus is available to you, expanding your earning potential even further. You can also form your own team and receive a Team Bonus

Rank Minister

This is where the second-generation Matching Bonus opens. This means that you also receive 10% of the second level binary bonus of referrals who were invited by your direct referrals

Personal Team Bonus

This bonus is added to all the above bonuses and amounts to up to 2% of your team’s generated turnover. Group Team Bonus is an additional percentage for Top Leaders

Rank Ambassador

The highest rank, which includes all previous bonuses and gives access to exclusive privileges and opportunities within the program

5 rules

Thanks to which our company is actively developing

The rule of engagement

The rule of engagement is a key principle in achieving success. This is the basis on which our partnership is built. When you put your heart into what you do, you will definitely achieve your goals

Focusing rule

Focus on what we have, not what we lack. This opens up new horizons of opportunities and inspiration for everyone to move forward with a sense of confidence and positivity. Without wasting energy on what we cannot change!

The rule of efficiency

The basis of the efficiency rule is the understanding that not all actions bring equal value and contribution to the final result. Therefore, we focus our attention only on the key tasks and processes that have the greatest impact on the outcome of the case

The rule of responsibility

Responsibility trumps justice. Those who take responsibility will always have an advantage over those who avoid it, because action brings success, and fear of responsibility and action limits the path to reaching the same heights of success

Cooperation with a certain type of people

To succeed, choose to work with people who are energetic, ambitious, and focused. These are the qualities that will allow you to go far and achieve significant success in your joint activities

How to become a partner?


The success and development of our company is based on strong relationships with our distributors, so to become part of our affiliate program, you must have a recommendation from one of our partners

Here’s how you can join us:

  • Get a Recommendation

Find an existing partner of our company who can recommend you. It can be a friend, a colleague, or someone from our extensive network of satisfied partners and clients

  • Download our app

After receiving the recommendation, you will be provided with a referral link. Use this link to download our app – your gateway to all the opportunities that partnership with us opens up

  • Enter the Referral Link

When registering in the application, you will be asked to enter a referral link. This is the key that opens access to all the benefits and opportunities available to our partners  

If you do not know anyone who is already our partner but would like to become a MasterPlus user, we invite you to fill out an application on our website
One of our managers will contact you for further instructions
Fill out the application



We have developed a special mobile application that will take care of all calculations and bonuses from the affiliate program. All you have to do is sell

  This application will help you automate processes and focus on important tasks. It will perform all the necessary calculations so that you can run your business efficiently. Good luck in your work!  

Download the application

Feedback on the partnership

Natalia Gorbatyuk
64 years old, Odesa

Suffering from shortness of breath and nasal congestion, my life was full of pain and discomfort. I had to sleep sitting up, and traditional treatment provided only short-term relief.
Everything changed with the MasterPlus device. I got rid of my asthma, I no longer need inhalers and sprays, and the back pain that had plagued me for years has also disappeared. Now I lead an active lifestyle, work without pain and limitations. MasterPlus has given me a new life, and I am grateful for this wonderful transformation

Sergey Mikhailovich
41 years old Kyiv

Everything changed with the MasterPlus device. I got rid of my asthma, I no longer need inhalers and sprays, and the back pain that had plagued me for years has also disappeared. Now I lead an active lifestyle, work without pain and limitations. MasterPlus has given me a new life, and I am grateful for this wonderful transformation

Igor Saguta
53 years old Ternopil

Suffering from shortness of breath and nasal congestion, my life was full of pain and discomfort. I had to sleep sitting up, and traditional treatment provided only short-term relief

Natalia Gorbatyuk
64 years old, Odesa

Suffering from shortness of breath and nasal congestion, my life was full of pain and discomfort. I had to sleep sitting up, and traditional treatment provided only short-term relief.
Everything changed with the MasterPlus device. I got rid of my asthma, I no longer need inhalers and sprays, and the back pain that had plagued me for years has also disappeared. Now I lead an active lifestyle, work without pain and limitations. MasterPlus has given me a new life, and I am grateful for this wonderful transformation